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Incubator For Microbiology Lab Smart I Therm HC 25

Category: Incubutor

Do you need a reliable and efficient incubator in microbiology lab? The best option is to purchase the Smart I Therm HC 25 from ILAB. It is a highly efficient mini incubator used in microbiology labs in several top medical research facilities. 

The Smart I Therm HC 25 has a wide temperature range, allowing smooth temperature control anywhere between -15°C to 60°C. Due to its efficient cooling system, this incubator can be used in room temperature conditions. ILAB has also made this incubator lightweight and portable. It has highly user-friendly controls and a large display showing accurate readings. It has a sufficient load capacity of up to 20 litres, making it suitable for all scales of lab requirements. 

So, you don’t need to look for lab incubators elsewhere. Just get in touch with ILAB, enquire about the current lab incubator price, and get the world-class Smart I Therm HC 25 for your lab right now.

Built –in internal outlet


Parameter Details
Model HC 25
Temp. Range Ambient to -15°C, 60°C
Temp. Accuracy 0.5°C at 37°C
Temp. Uniformity +/- 1.5°C at 37°C
Temp. Increments =/- 1°C
Max. Load Capacity 20 Litters
Dimensions 337×3703475 mm
Weight 6.5kg
Input voltage 100-240V, 50-60Jz
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